Friday, October 16, 2015

October Read

Dear friends,

GOOD-BYE RUSSIA, HELLO AMERICA is resonating good vibes! One reader called it a gem.

Although the Sidowitz family immigrated here in 1923,the challenges for today's immigrants remain the same.  They want : a job,  romance, a better life, education and ultimately assimilation. As the brothers adjust to life in the Bronx and then Brooklyn, Mama Ida disapproves of their Friday night soirees, the burlesque shows and their ignoring the Shabbat.

The depression followed by WWII changes everything. Jacov (Jack) is drafted into the army, trained to be an interpreter and parachuted into Europe where he continues to search for Yehuda, the eldest brother who remained in volatile Russia.

How does this story end? It's a surprise. Let me know how you think it should end?

The leaves up north are turning color...I miss them here in Florida.


Janet S. Kleinman

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Happy September lst. My new novel, GOOD-BYE RUSSIA, HELLO AMERICA has been published.

It's a saga about a family that comes to America in the Roaring Twenties. Jacov and Rueben (renamed Jack and Rubin) get jobs, find romance, enjoy burlesque and bagels under the disapproving eye of Mama Ida who bemoans the fate of the eldest son who stayed behind in Russia.

The depression followed by WWII changes everything. Jack, now a soldier is parachuted into Europe where he mingles with the bedraggled survivors fleeing the liberated concentration camps as he continues his search for Yehuda...

There's excitement, loyalty to their new land, opportunity and love...everything you want in a novel that is an inspiration to immigrants, the children and grandchildren of immigrants.

I was always  grateful that my parents and their brothers and sisters came to this country between the two world wars, survived the evils of Europe, and spawned a proud, new generation  for America.
Immigration has the energy to create great nations.

Would like to share this novel with you.


Janet S. Kleinman

Monday, August 3, 2015

Summer Thoughts

The summer in Florida is endless heat; no let-up, no rain. It s a good time to stay indoors and edit until you're tired and your fingers won't move again.

But the mind keeps thinking. Do I have any more to write about? I think so, but first there are practical matters to attend to where my husband is a patient at a memory facility. Now I have to remember for both of us. That bright man needs help and only I can do it for him.

Should I write it down or keep it a family secret? No one seems to care except those who have loved him.

Please don't feel morbid for us. It has, overall been a good life.

A new book, GOOD-BYE RUSSIA, HELLO AMERICA  should be out very soon.

Miss you all.

Janet S. Kleinman

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Finally reunited with my blog.

It's been a long time since I last wrote, but I've been busy editing and advising re. the cover of my new novel, GOOD-BYE RUSSIA, HELLO AMERICA. Right now the cover is being printed and an entire proof of the book should be ready in about two weeks. Don't really know how long it takes from there t being published.

Otherwise, we are taking advantage of summer theatre here in Florida. It's available and easier to get tickets. Scott, Ethan, Dawn and Lena are coming on the last weekend of June and they wanted to see the musical, LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS. We're all going and am thrilled at seeing at least some of the family again.

No summer plans yet. Both of us are healthy, but Burt's walk needs to be improved. Maybe a last minute cruise will do it for him.

Love to hear from you. Janet

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Literary Life of Janet S. Kleinman

I'm sorry readers that I haven't written anything in 2015. I've finished a new novel, GOODBYE RUSSIA, HELLO AMERICA, that is now in the process of being edited by a publisher. This family saga should be ready to read by the end of the year...hopefully sooner.

In the meanwhile, my young nephew died suddenly and it threw me into a funk. Believe it or not it was a bit lifted when FLIRTING WITH DISASTER WHEN LOVE AND NATURE COLLIDE was selected by the Palm Beach Library Association  for a place on the  permanent Florida Authors Shelf in all
of the counties libraries.

Weather here is Florida is gorgeous. Wish it could stay this way throughout the summer.

Miss you all and wish you'd write.

Janet S. Kleinman, Author
Happy Easter
Sweet Passover
April 5, 2015