Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 11th passed and the podcast featuring my interview with Tony Kay a bout FLIRTING WITH DISASTER and me, author Janet S. Kleinman is ready to be heard by all my good friends. Just log on

1. to: www.artistfirst.com.
2. book and author shows will come up.
3. Click on past shows free - Alphabetical List Below.
4. Go to "K". There you'll find Janet Kleinman. Click and listen...

I was thrilled by the results. Didn't know that I had so much to say. Interesting stuff about why I wrote this book, how you describe a character, the role of morality in a novel of love, politics, and greed. Let me know if you liked it.

Happy upcoming July 4th.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hi my followers:

It's June and getting hotter each day in Florida. But, I'm excited. Tomorrow eventing, June 11th at 8pm EST I will be interviewed on ARTIST FIRST RADIO NETWORK. Please listen. You'll learn a lot about my romantic thriller, FLIRTING WITH DISASTER, exotic Haiti, and Janet S. Kleinman, the author.

Please send me any comments about the interview you will have... and, of course, read the book.

Have a good summer.

Janet S. Kleinman